2016 Participating Wineries
British Columbia
- 1st R.O.W. Estate Winery
- 8th Generation Vineyard
- 50th Parallel Estate
- Adega on 45
- Anarchist Mountain Vineyard
- Arrowleaf Cellars
- Backyard Vineyards
- Baillie-Grohman Estate Winery
- Beaufort Vyd & Estate Winery
- Bench 1775 Winery
- Black Hills Estate Winery
- Black Widow Winery
- Blasted Church Vineyards
- Blue Grouse Estate Winery
- Calona Vineyards
- Cana Vines
- Cassini Cellars
- Castoro de Oro Estate Winery
- CC Jentsch Cellars
- CedarCreek Estate Winery
- Celista Estate Winery
- Chaberton Estate Winery
- Church & State Winery
- Ciao Bella Winery
- Clos du Soleil Winery
- Conviction Wines
- Covert Farms
- Damali Lavender & Winery
- Daydreamer Wines
- Deep Roots Winery
- Desert Hills Estate Winery
- Dirty Laundry Vineyard
- EauVivre Winery & Vyds
- Enrico Winery
- Estate Thurn
- Evolve Cellars
- Forbidden Fruit Winery
- Fort Berens Estate Winery Ltd.
- Gehringer Brothers Wine
- Gold Hill
- Gray Monk
- Harper’s Trail Estate Winery
- Hester Creek
- Hidden Chapel Winery
- Hillside Winery
- House of Rose Winery
- Indigenous World Winery
- Intrigue Wines
- Kalala
- Kismet Estate Winery
- Kraze Legz Winery
- LA FRENZ Winery
- Lake Breeze Vineyards
- Lang Vineyards
- Little Engine Wines
- Lunessence Winery & Vyd
- Maan Farm Winery
- Maverick Estate Winery
- Mission Hill Family Estate
- Monster Vineyards
- Montakarn Estate Winery
- Monte Creek Ranch Winery
- Moon Curser Vineyards
- Moraine Estate Winery
- Mt. Boucherie Winery
- Nagging Doubt Winery
- Niche Wine Company
- Noble Ridge Vyd & Winery
- Oliver Twist Estate Winery
- Orofino Winery
- Ovino Winery
- Pacific Breeze Winery
- Peller Estates Winery Okanagan
- Pentage Winery
- Perseus
- Pipe Dreams Vyd & Estate Winery
- Poplar Grove Winery
- Privato Vyd & Winery
- Quails’ Gate
- Quinta Ferreira
- Raven Wines Okanagan
- Recline Ridge Vyds & Winery
- Red Rooster Winery
- River Stone Estate Winery
- Road 13 Vineyards
- Robin Ridge Winery
- Rocky Creek Winery
- Ruby Blues Winery
- Sandhill Winery
- Sagewood Winery
- Saxon Estate Winery
- Serendipity Winery
- Silkscarf Winery
- Silverside Farm & Winery
- Singletree
- Skimmerhorn Winery & Vineyard
- Spierhead Winery
- Stag’s Hollow Winery & Vyd
- St. Hubertus & Oak Bay Estate Winery
- Stoneboat Vineyards
- Summergate Winery Ltd.
- Summerhill Winery
- Sunnybrae Vyds & Winery
- The Hatch
- The View Winery & Vyd
- Therapy Vineyards
- Thornhaven Estate Winery
- Tightrope Winery
- TIME Estate Winery
- Tinhorn Creek Vineyards
- Township 7 Vyds & Winery
- Unsworth Vineyards
- Van Westen Vineyards
- Vanessa Vineyard Estate Winery
- Volcanic Hills Estate Winery
- Wayne Gretzky Okanagan
- Wild Goose Vyds & Winery
- Annapolis Highland Vineyards, NS
- Avondale Sky Winery, NS
- Domaine de Grand Pre, NS
- Gaspereau Winery, NS
- Haskapa, NS
- Jost Vineyards, NS
- Lunenburg County Winery, NS
- Mercator Vineyards, NS
- Petite Riviere Vineyards, NS
- Planters Ridge Winery Ltd., NS
- Dunham’s Run Estate Winery, NB
- Gillis of Belleisle Winery, NB
- Happy Knight, NB
- Richibucto, NB
- Magnetic Hill Winery, NB
- Verger Belliveau Orchard, NB
- Angels Gate Winery
- Applewood Farm Winery
- Aure Wines
- Between the Lines Winery
- Black Bear Farms
- Black Prince Winery
- Burnt Ship Bay Estate Winery
- Calamus Estate Winery
- Caroline Cellars Family Estate Winery
- Casa Dea Estates Winery
- Coffin Ridge Winery
- Clafield Fruit Winery
- Closson Chase Vineyards
- Colchester Ridge Estate Winery
- Colio Estate Wines
- Cooper’s Hawk Vineyards
- Creekside Estate Winery
- Crystalline Icewine
- Diamond Estate Winery
- Early Acres Winery
- Featherstone Winery
- Fielding Estate Winery
- Frisky & Gamble Cellars
- Georgian Hills Vineyards
- GreenLane Estate Winery
- Henry of Pelham
- Huff Estates Winery
- Kacaba Vineyards
- Karlo Estates Winery
- Kew Vineyards Estate Winery
- King’s Court Estate Winery
- Konzelmann Estate Winery
- Legends Estate Winery
- Lighthall Vineyards
- Magnotta Winery
- Marynissen Estates Winery
- Mastronardi Estate Winery
- Mike Weir Winery
- Muscedere Vyds Estate Winery
- Muskoka Lakes Winery
- Niagara College Teaching Winery
- North 42 Degrees
- Oxley Estate Winery
- Pelee Island Winery
- Peller Estates Winery
- Pondview Estate Winery
- Rancourt Winery
- Raven
- Reif Estate Winery
- Rockway Vineyards
- Sandbanks Winery
- Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery
- Stanners Vineyard
- Stoney Ridge Estate Winery
- The 401 Cider Brewery
- The Hare Wine Co.
- Thirty Bench Wine Makers
- Three Dog Winery
- Trius Winery
- Viewpointe Estate Winery
- Waupoos Estates Winery
- Wayne Gretzky Estates
- Willow Springs Winery
- Wooden Bear L Winery
- Cypress Hill Vyd & Winery
- Casa Breton
- Cidrerie du Minot
- Cidrerie Saint Antoine
- Domaine Acer
- Domaine du Ridge
- Domaine L’Oree Des Bois
- Hydromellerie du Vieux Moulin
- Hydromellerie Miel Nature
- La Charloise
- La Vallee de la Framboises Inc
- Le Flanc Nord
- Le Ricaneux
- Les Vergers de la Colline
- Vergers de Velours
- Vignoble CARONE Wines
- Vignoble Coteau de Karisse
- Vignoble de l’Orpailleur
- Vignoble du Domaine St-Jacques
- Vignoble du Marathonien
- Vignoble Premont Inc.
- Vignoble Riviere du Chene